Micro Needling Plus Product
Service Description
According to science, 100% of people age and lose 1% of collagen per year when they hit 20. Micro Needling RF is for tissue coagulation and hemostasis designed to stimulate and remodel collage from the inside out. Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, is a cosmetic procedure that involves breaking the skin with tiny, sterilized needles using a handheld drum or pen-shaped device. These small wounds cause your body to produce more collagen and elastin by stimulating the skin to repair itself naturally through a process called dermal remodeling. This process heals your skin and helps you look younger. Microneedling can be used to treat things like acne scarring, surgical scars, burns, enlarged pores, wrinkles, and stretch marks. The most common areas for treatment are the face, neck, low neckline, and arms, but really any part of your body can benefit from these treatments. WHAT ABOUT PRP AND HOW DOES IT WORK WITH MICRONEEDLING? Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy uses injections made of a concentrate from a patient’s own platelets derived from their blood to accelerate healing in a specific area. It contains two elements – plasma, the liquid portion of the blood, and platelets which play a vital role in healing, as well as containing growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration in the treated area. To create this PRP, the blood sample is placed in a centrifuge to spin the sample, separating out the components of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them within the plasma. Because the treatments use a patients’ own blood, PRP injections are safe and can be administered alone or in conjunction with other procedures. Which is where the microneedling comes in. First the dermatologist will use a microneedling tool to prick the skin, making tiny holes in the skin’s surface, creating “micro-channels.” They then apply the PRP to these channels to encourage collagen production and cell reproduction. Microneedling with PRP is used to treat the conditions we mentioned earlier. It can treat acne scars, surgical scars, wrinkles and fine lines, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, large pores, uneven skin texture, and it helps to decrease the look of stretch marks. The addition of PRP to microneedling potentially produces better results than just doing microneedling alone.
Cancelation Policy
A valid credit card is required to be kept on file to reserve any appointment. We understand that circumstances may come up and you may need to cancel an appointment, please contact the spa at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Any communications after that time frame will result in a charge to your card for the full amount the aesthetic service or $25.00 for non-aesthetic services (ie. laser hair removal, weight loss). Any No-Show appointments will also be charged the full amount of the aesthetic service or $25.00 for non-aesthetic services (ie. laser hair removal, weight loss). An appointment is considered a no-show 15 minutes past the scheduled appointment time and will need to be rescheduled after the fee is settled. If we are closed at the time of your call, you must leave a voicemail with your full name, appointment time, and reason for call. We will reference the time of your voicemail regarding your cancellation, not the time we are able to get back to you. A call without a voicemail will not count as contact for cancellation. Confirmation messages are sent out via text and email 24 hours prior to your appointment to allow time for communication of a needed change in schedule. Please reply to this text to confirm your appointment. Aesthetics Services Only After 3 occurrences of cancellation or rescheduling of your aesthetic services within the 24-hour window, you will be required to place a deposit in the full amount of the scheduled service prior to booking. Access to online booking will also be closed at this point. Please be mindful that out our Practitioners/Estheticians rely on their appointments financially. When you are unable to keep your appointment, letting the spa know in advance gives them an opportunity to fill that opening in their schedule.
Contact Details
Graceology Med Spa, 8077 West 159th Street, Overland Park, KS, USA